UNIS 集團官網使用cookies(網站在電腦、平板或手機上安裝的小型文本文件),為您提供一個有效且易于瀏覽的網站。Cookies由dev.webwijs.nu/unis/cn安裝, 這些 cookie 可提高 UNIS 集團官網的性能,監督網站訪問情況,從而幫助 UNIS 集團了解網站在一定時期內的用戶訪問量。UNIS 僅會對網站數據進行集體處理,不會追蹤至個人電腦或個人用戶。您可通過設置瀏覽器(IE、Firefox、Chrome、Safari 等)以拒絕安裝 cookie
Given below is a list of cookies, their function and the time for which they will remain stored on your computer.
Google analytics is a web analysis service offered by Google Inc. These cookies provide us with information about visits to the website. This information includes the number of visitors, popular pages and subjects. This makes it possible for us to gear our communication more precisely to the needs of the website visitors. UNIS Group cannot see who (which PC) has visited its website. As the provider of the service, Google is however able to see this. More information about the Google Analytics cookies is given on the next page. Additional information about the ToS (Terms of Service) of Google Analytics is given here.
__utma, 2 years following installation or update
__utmb, 30 minutes following installation or update
__utmc, valid during the session, no longer applicable
__utmz, 6 months following installation or update
__utmv, 2 years following installation or update
__utmx, 2 years following installation or update
Flash cookies are installed to enable you to share products or services using the social media buttons on the website.
Storage period:Maximum 90 days.